Supplementary material and code


Docker image

For reproducing the interface locally, we offer a Docker image which reproduces the same environmet from the server. You can download the image (12.5GB) at the following link:

User: ubam
Password: aVpab2rHzFsM


To use the docker image, first load the image in your local docker and start the container using

xhost +local:docker

docker load -i ubam.tar

docker run -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=unix$DISPLAY -i --name ubam -t ubam /bin/bash

The -v and -e options make sure that the interface is forwarded from the container to the host pc. This commands have been tested on ubuntu and it might change on macOS systems. After acceptance we will provide ports for other then current operating system versions.

When attached to the docker container, run the following to start the interface

cd /home/ubam/interface


Note: the sample data used for the demo includes only two subjects for healthy and two impaired. This is just a sample for testing, but not for training, since the training data would be too large to be conveniently placed on this website.